Hi Tanelito,

Welcome to the forums.

When I record audio track (sax), it sometimes happens, that some part of punch recording is louder than other. I don't always want to record that part so many times, that it sounds ok compared to earlier stuff in that track. Then I export audio track from BIAB to my DAW software where I do all that kind of editing and then import it back to BIAB. Is there an easier way to do that?

The following process should make things a little easier for you.

I'll use a song called Noels_Song as an example to explain what I mean.

1. Create a unique folder for your song. This is good practice as it will keep everything separate.

  • For example: I'll create the folder c:\My Songs\Noels_Song.

2. Save your SGU/MGU file to that folder.

  • For example: I'll save Noels_Song.SGU to c:\My Songs\Noels_Song.

3. Using the Audio track, record yourself playing sax.

  • This will create an audio file called TEMPMAIN.WAV in the folder c:\My Songs\Noels_Song

4. Save the song after you've recorded your playing.

  • For example: After saving the song, the TEMPMAIN file is renamed and I will now have a file called Noels_Song.WAV that's in c:\My Songs\Noels_Song

  • Now, whenever I open Noels_Song, the audio track Noels_Song.WAV will automatically load with the song. I never have to import it.

5. Any editing that needs doing, simply navigate to the song's directory and edit the audio file. Always save the file as the same name as the song but with a WAV ending.

  • For example: I'll edit the Noels_Song.WAV file in c:\My Songs\Noels_Song and always save my edited file as Noels_Song.WAV.

  • NOTE: As a safety precaution, save the original recording under a different name so you can always go back to it if you need to.

Because the audio WAV file is in the same directory as the SGU/MGU file, and because the audio has the same name as the song, as mentioned above, the audio will automatically load when the song is opened.

Hope this helps,

Audiophile BIAB 2024