Popboy, I just found these instructions and followed them
1 - Download Shell2vst.exe from here http://www.xlutop.co...p/shell2vst.zip
2 - Copy Shell2vst.exe to C:\Program Files\Waves\Waveshells
3 - Drag and drop each "WaveShell-VST x.x.x.dll" onto the shell2vst.exe (But not WaveShell-Direct X...dll or the WaveShell-Direct X...dll) If prompted to overwrite, choose "no"
4 - A new "Waves" folder will be created that contains all the waves plugins as individual .dll fils
5 - Copy the newly created "Waves" folder into your shared Vstplugins folder (Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Vstplugins)
6 - Remove the WaveShells from your shared Vstplugins folder

Still not working...
