Very artsy!

One advantage of starting with the video is that it instantly gave you continuity... something that is often lacking when a video is created from a bunch of different public domain snippets. And this video was so very well done in its own right... the scenes were well-framed, the girl is beautiful, the wind on the cape provides such a fluent texture to draw the eye around the scene... the video is so good, this would have been a keeper even if your song sucked... but your song was excellent... at LEAST on par with the quality of the video!

Everything you do is so good, I truly wish you success in your musical journey. Some people wait to be discovered, others make their own success. Have you ever considered booking a tour, and letting the proceeds pay for the travel? There is an abundance of information online about how to book your own tour (at home or abroad)

If you ever want to visit the USA and tour while you're here, I can provide you with a free place to stay while you play any gigs in North Carolina. I might even be able to help find and book gigs.

What a wonderful project, as yours always are!