Got a kick out of it!! As a lover of fish and chips, I had to take an immediate listen. It reminds me of a story. A countryman of yours and his wife opened a fish and chips shop in Sausalito in the 60's (this was when my family used to go sailing there and inspired my love of the town). Mr. and Mrs. Salt (not sure if that's the actual name) started H. Salt Fish and Chips working behind the counter. They must have been at least in their 50's at the time. The shop was a smashing success (have to use British Parlance) and they quickly expanded. They were bought out (possibly by KFC) and retired very rich. I remember the paper they used at the bottom was imitation newspaper with print and headlines to replicate the original style. Cool song, and very naturally and spontaneously delivered. A real treat (like the food itself)!! Take care. Greg