Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
"but at same time I know my limitations"

And therein lies the key to being a good singer. Every singer
(sans melodyne) has limitations and learning to recognize them
and focus on working within those limits is IMHO what makes
singers interesting. Some of our absolute favorite singers
have funky voices or limited ranges or both but we love
them because they sing with soul and conviction.

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
.... For my part, I very much enjoyed the song!!
I feel it is very natural sounding with some nice heartfelt stuff in it.
I like the feel of the vocal and the mix in general, although a little reverb
on the vocal might be nice. This has a cool feel. Keep posting!! T
ake care. Greg

Greg pretty much hit right on our feelings. Keep doing what you are
doing and don't sweat the voice. I'd rather hear a "soulful heartfelt
voice" than a gritty rock voice going through the motions. And like
Greg said throw in some reverb on the vocal or better yet get
a vocal effect suite like Nectar 2 and find what works best for you
voice. Not to really change it but enhance what you like about it.

We enjoyed the song!


Thanks Janice and Bud for taking the time to listen and for your advice as regards vocals. I have nectar but going through the presets in the past haven't found anything that made it sound better, maybe its time to have another look, or should that be listen.

This is what makes this forum so worthwhile to get feedback, from people such as yourselves who live and breathe music and to get good advice as regards recording and vocal techniques.

Really appreciate it,
many thanks

Last edited by musiclover; 06/23/15 03:39 AM.


My music https://www.youtube.com/user/donegalprideofall

Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2024, Cubase 13, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use smile