I'm a drummer and am wondering how far to go with fills. I know it depends a bit on the sound you are looking for, and to answer that, I'm looking for commercial country.

I am hesitant to put bigger drum fills in for fear of overplaying...yet, I hear the occasional great drum fill in many of today's commercial country songs.

I think of the songs Ringo played on, and artists like Tom Petty. Deceptively simple, yet perfect drum parts.

Yet, I feel I would like to add a fill in my songs as somewhat of a signature.

Then the questions start. Is it about the song or the drums? Is it about me showing I can drum or the song? Is playing a fill showing you can play, or showing a lack of maturity in my playing. Arg! LOL

Thoughts please! Do you like to hear a drummer put his occasional signature in, or prefer a wallpaper player?

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.