I know what you mean kemmrich; 5090 is so fast paced; it's hard to remember what songs you've commented on; i'm glad they have them highlighted so it is easy to find wants you get to a person site.

Here is song 24 of 50 simply titled Maggie; do not ask me where this title came from; or how I ended up with the lyrics to it. I was just doodlin on my guitar and the name Maggie popped in my head; then the old outlaw westerns came to mind. This is the first song I have ever written where I did not know the motivation in writing it LOL. I used some tips from the reverb ? I had let me know if the verb sounds ok on Maggie, please; thanks! All comments are welcome.

here is link to song #24 *vocal Maggie

Below is 23-1

Here is link to song #23 *vocal 50 First Dates

Here is link to song #22 *Vocal

Encountering Beautiful

Here is link to song #21 *Instrumental Encountering Beautiful

Here is link to song #20 *Vocal Bar Fight

Here is link to song #19 *Instrumental Classical &

Rock Had A Baby

Here is link to song #18 *Instrumental Ode To Piano

Here is link to song #17 *Vocal My Baby Left Me

For The Postman

Here is link to song #16 *Instrumental Lead Foot

Here is link to song #15 *Vocal More Cowbell

Here is link to song #14 *Instrumental Band of Angels

Here is link to song #13 *Vocal Bored Happened

Here is link to song #12 *Vocal Junkyard Dog Named Betty

Here is link to song #11 *Vocal Vertigo

Here is link to song #10 *Instrumental Alluring Flame

Here is link to song #9 *Instrumental Blowin' In The Wind

Here is link to song #8 *Vocal Give Me Rest

Here is link to song #7 * InstrumentalBlues Country

Here is link to song #6 *Instrumental Rest

Here is link to song #5 *Vocal Run and Don't Look


Here is link to song #4 *Vocal I Will Give Honor To My King

Here is Link to song #3 *Instrumental Skippin'

Here is Link to Song #2 *Vocal Daddies Going Home

Here is Link to Song #1 *Instrumental Guitar CHAOS

My Tunes

Psalm 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.