Its so easy to appreciate your delivery... your voice is such a good match for the genre, but unlike anyone else's... you have a totally unique signature sound.

And your collaborations with Janice are exactly right every single time... the two of you have a musical chemistry that just works. I'm glad that this forum has brought this musical team together, and I suspect you have a lot more great songs to come yet!

But even a sound as good as yours could potentially get tiring if you didn't keep it fresh... and your secret freshness ingredient is lyric writing.

Some people get lucky and come up with a really clever concept... some get luckier and craft the lyrics to the concept just perfectly.

But you have that special knack for doing it every single time! You are one of the rare song writers who has achieved the state of "conscious competence" in which you don't have to rely on luck or epiphany... you KNOW what works, so you can reproduce your victories.

In this case, I really liked the various ways you developed the theme of "learning" and tied it into the topic of lost love. Just MASTERFUL!