Congratulations to.....

Lake County Sheriff Department in Lake County, Illinois.... for winning the K9 contest.

And a huge thanks to everyone here who took the time to cast a vote for NC K9ERT, and to those who took this on as a personal mission and voted every day and uploaded a picture on each vote.

We gave it a good shot and while we didn't win, we did place well in the standings. Last one I saw had our team as the only civilian team in the top 20 and we were at #6 nationally. Not bad at all for a small team from NC of just over a dozen civilian volunteers. Not bad at all.

Again.... Thank You All.

Lilly last night when I told her we didn't win.....

"Uhhhhh OK.... whatever, are you gonna give me some of that delicious looking food you're holding in you hand or what?"

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.