Thanks all for the comments about this collaboration. Alyn really did an absolutely wonderful job of this production. Thank you Alyn!

I just wanted to add a little to the story of how this song came about

We were having a lovely family spring break in Groot Mario in August and I was strumming away on my guitar (as usual). Pete was inspired by my recent collaboration with John C Gull on "Cecil the Beautiful". Pretty soon after the weekend, Pete drove over to my house and presented me with two hand written poems scratched out in long hand on plain A4 paper. One was titled "Train Surfer" and the other was titled "Toxic Surfer".

I took "Train Surfer", put a blues progression to it, modified a few lines, molded a chorus and then did a very rough recording. I also did some investigation to see if I could secure some train surfing footage. I was depressed to learn that it would cost a gazillion dollars per second to use bona fide train surfing footage and obtaining the footage myself was near impossible. So I filed the song away for another day.

Then Alyn posted "Old man rapper" which I absolutely loved and had the idea to ask Alyn if he would like to collaborate on Train Surfer. Alyn, in true spirit, jumped right in hands and feet. Some mp3's and wav files flew back and forth between Wales and South Africa and after some very hard work from Alyn, this song was produced.

Thank you Alyn and Peter. What a wonderful rendition!

Btw the youths in Soweto don't have money for hanggliding so they take up train surfing instead.

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
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