c.k. (and David)...

A good write - though pretty far outside my areas... I'm not that familiar with heavy metal Christian rock... but interesting...

An absolutely top-notch vocal! Start to finish. And especially when you "really go for it".

The mix during the rockin' metal part is solid. The cymbals ARE too out front - too "present" - I think they need to be dropped and have some reverb added to set them back.

As you said, the bass is FAR too quiet. I can barely hear it. For a metal song it should be a huge part of the sound - this is all just my opinion, of course... as you know... and, as you know, I do not do metal... But, I think bringing the bass up enough to really be noticed would really add the icing the your mix...

In the "softer parts" the guitars drop away too much - so that there is a sense of "a different mix idea". I think if you brought the arp guitar up (significantly, and give it some "beef") it would avoid that feeling. Again..an opinion..

Same thing in the bridge (I think it's a bridge - hard to know without a lyric)... the guitar gets set way back - so it's like another mix change. The "chunk guitar" (not sure what that is since there is no RT list) has super drive and is the perfect sound there, but its low level losses some of what it should be adding to the song...

Not trying to be negative - because this is a very cool project - quite ambitious, actually - and pulled off well. Just a bit "uneven" between the different parts. Tame the cymbals, give the bass some meat (it should really be pumping!), make the transitions flow better... little things in each case...

Have to say again... Wow!! What a vocal!

A HUGE song.
