If I have it and it still works, I still use it.

I have the tuner I bought back in 1970. And the speakers on it I bought from a buddy in the Marine corps when he was headed home and didn't have the room in his car for them. They are working out in the shed.

FM virtually unheard of in 75? Where were you living?

At that time, FM was in it's heady days of "album cut" rock stations here in the USA. I can remember finding WMMR FM in Philly on my transistor radio as a pre teen guitar player somewhere around the late 60's and realizing that they were playing the album long version of the songs as well as album cuts not heard in the top 40. I was hooked.

I kinda wish I still had many of the old amps I went through.... some were turds, but some are classics. Even the turds were cool in some way or another.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.