Had my love of travel not been overtaken by my love of family, I may have ended up this guy.

As always comments/suggestions appreciated. Tom



RealTracks in song: 1946:Mandolin, Rhythm ModernCountrySync Ev16 100
RealTracks in song: ~599:Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100
RealTracks in song: 590:Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Rhythm - Simple)
RealTracks in song: 1510:Pedal Steel, Soloist, CountryWorkinPaul Ev16 090
RealTracks in song: 603:Pedal Steel, Background Train Ev 130
Royalty Free Loops, Multitrack Instrument and Song Files and Multitrack Drums from Drums on Demand and Bass on Demand

Vocals ,Telecaster and Acoustic Guitar: Tom Adams

Recorded in Logic Pro x
Alloy2, Nectar2
Mastered with Ozone6


left my apartment and put everything in storage
headed east the sun came up and turned the whole world orange
a desert sunrise beats all i’ve ever seen
a forgotten postcard from my childhood dreams

Another day goin nowhere time to hit the road
where im headed God only knows

I’ve just kind of wandered down these streets of mine
if i said i had a plan good bet that i was lying
theres no excuses left I'm running low on hope
I pick up and pack up then I start to roll

Another day goin nowhere time to hit the road
where im headed God only knows

I’m a drifter spending all my time out on the highway

trying to find a way to do it my way

this is all the life I ever knew

I’m a drifter moving toward a random destination

searching for a sign of my salvation

But What the hell I’m only passing through

i am like a leaf floating free up in the sky
I don’t have to be afraid when I lay down at night
Another town is calling which way will I turn
Down the road to better days or the ones where I get burned

Another day goin nowhere time to hit the road
where im headed God only knows

I’m a drifter spending all my time out on the highway

trying to find a way to do it my way

this is all the life I ever knew

I’m a drifter moving toward a random destination

searching for a sign of my salvation

But What the hell I’m only passing through

©2015 Thomas Adams