
To say "I'm blown away!" would be an understatement.

A stunning arrangement. The interplay between the piano and the guitar is very well done. The bass line is tasty. And the drums are superlative! Don't know if they just "fell into place" or you worked hard to make them do that - but it was one of the best drum tracks I've heard in any forum song - like it was a live drummer recorded for the song. Stellar.

Your vocalist should be a star. That's a million dollar voice.

EVERYTHING is top-notch. Pro level.

And it all begins with the song. This CANNOT possibly be the first lyric you have written. The melody is gorgeous. The lyric is every bit a match for it. These type lyrics are not easy to write. Very few people ever master them. It is a real talent. They have to "say the right thing" but more importantly have to "sing" in such a way that they (the sung words) become one more instrument among all the other instruments that make up the song/production. They are not lyrics to be read - rather, they are lyrics to be HEARD - and if they do not "fall on the ear" perfectly, they fail. At no point in your lyric does that happen - they work perfectly all they way through. This is amazing songwriting.

Color me impressed.
