One word Paul; Wow ! This was some of the absolute best I have heard from a BB user. Now I really get what proper mixing does to the final result... Thanks also for sharing the RT you used... Have been working on some Hip-Hop stuff, and heard something there I will check out...

"If anyone wants to see the cubase project of the bb tracks more then happy to show my work flow." Yess please ! Not that I have Cubase, but just to have any Idea how this quality is acquired would be awesome..

Your voice is also awesome Paul.
I side with Floyd; "This is top notch stuff."
You inspired me today !

Forever Grateful, BUT, sometimes pissed of. wink
Trygve "Leo" Larsen
BiaB 2020, Windows 8.1, Intel Core i5 CPU, 270GHz, 32 Gb RAM
My OLD tracks on Soundcloud; My NEW is unpublished
The Universe = Uni-verse ie one song.