Hey Everyone.
I'm relatively new to the BiaB world, but I have been running into a problem:
I'm working on a song that is 132BPM. Nothing too complex, however at that tempo, it has a chord change on the 4 of a few measures. Here's my hiccup...
I would like it to have a dark, half-time ballad kind of vibe. There is a perfect style for what I want (BALBMS2.STY for those who might have it) but it has a 65BPM reading. But at 66BPM, I can no longer get that transition chord in there (I don't think you can do a chord on the 'and' of 4 and have another chord on the 1 of the following measure.) So my question is:
How can I utilize a half-time style at a regular tempo? This would be more than ideal, since there are several ballad styles I'd like to use, but I need the faster tempo markings for chord changes.
Or are there any really killer half-time feeling styles out there that I just haven't found yet?
Any help would be awesome. Thank you.