I've used BIAB in 3 ways over the years...

1) Back in the 90's I developed awful tendonitis and nerve damage to my right elbow so couldn't physically handle recording the bass and drum parts to my original songs. I used BIAB to play/record the rhythm section then multitracked the guitar and vocals on top. My arms were blown out, but I could still write/record my stuff. BIAB was a lifesaver!

2) Currently I'm trying to learn to play pedal steel guitar and BIAB is the perfect practice buddy. It's super easy and fast to enter in any song I want to learn then play and repeat, repeat, repeat!

3) Another thing I use it for to optimize my practice time...I can save a song as a standard midi file then import that into TablEdit (tablature editing software) which will translate the midi file into pedal steel tablature. Saves me lots of time where I used to have to transcribe pedal steel tab by hand.

BIAB...there is no substitute wink