I found my Windows 7 Synergio PC disk. The problem is, it reads, "This disk contains 32-bit software only." I don't get it. Windows 7 Pro 64-bit was installed, and yet this is the disk I was given??

I believe I have narrowed my choices...Windows 10, or just sit and salivate over my non-functioning USB, BIAB program. (Actually, I know the program is fine. It's this d*** computer!)

Any last thoughts before I take the plunge? Thanks.

- Lee

Gear: Tyros 5, MOX8, SoundCraft EFX12 mixer, two Bose L1 Compacts, Yamaha HS-8 monitors, BIAB 2016 UltraPlusPAK, Cubase 8, Steinberg UR-44 interface.

"If everyone played a musical instrument, we wouldn't need police officers or armies." Lee B.