

Thanks for clearing this up Harvey. It seems simple, bet gets complicated real fast.

As a schoolteacher, I get something called "fair use," which I am told allows me to use copyrighted material in the classroom. So then what if I show a DVD movie in class and then view it again at home? Am I in violation the second time? What's the difference?

Here's another one: I bought my favorite album, years ago, on vinyl. Now vinyl is obsolete. Since I own the music that I bought, I should be able to copy my friends CD of the album.

Yes, I know. The answers to these situations are pretty obvious. I'm just saying its not so simple in the real world.


For your own purposes, FF, I believe you are allowed to make a backup. So, get hold of a digital record player and connect it to PTPA or RB and make your own recording of it FOR YOUR OWN PRIVATE PURPOSES.

Follow That Dream

Karaoke King


Turning that corner again - I have to keep following that dream, no matter what