Originally Posted By: David Snyder
Hey Kenny,

My songwriting partner on this album is Jon Healey and he works in FLA studios. On this album we combined his stems, my stems, and a lot of live playing. For example, I used various Real Tracks like 12 string against his techno bed, and then added my own electric riffs. I find amplitube to be indispensable. I own all of their effects and amps and am particularly fond of their Echoplex simulator VST. Pricey, but worth it to me. What you are hearing are a lot of the same sounds and stems you may have access to with a ton of attention paid to amps and effects to get that stadium rock sound.

If you look at the the techno styles in BIAB and Real Band and add hard rock drums and hard rock guitars you can laid down some wicked beds.

You could emulate what we did by using that technique.

Thanks for sharing this info, once again just wanna say what a great sound you've made with this, very pro and modern, as good as anything out there to my ears.
Not to mention the great singing and writing!