Originally Posted By: floyd jane

Noel! - I would not normally copy a post this large, but this is such an INCREDIBLE analysis of those elements that make up a song from the era - why it "ticks", why it works... that I hope people will take a look at it - either your original post or this re-post.

Thanks you for all the wonderful support you have given me over the years!!! I am pleased to call you "friend".


Agreed! I've read this several times already and it's just fascinating! I was blown away by how in depth and insightful it is.

I would love to see Noel start a thread with more of how he does this with examples. I for one would be all over it!

Thanks for taking the time to not only do this, but share it with all of us!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.