Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
simply WOW, Tommy!

Sitting down at the computer with the intent of listening through a bunch of forum songs is sort of a grab-bag experience. Like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates, you really don't know what you're going to get; but past experience tends to set your expectations...

And I walk into any song of yours with a very high set of expectations... you've "wow-ed" me every time so far; but there's still that little voice suggesting you can't keep up the momentum, so each new song is a surprise.

Well guess what... this one doesn't just maintain your momentum, it raises the bar a notch!

You get such a BIG sound without any of the problems that normally go along with "big"! And yeah, the hooky guitar was perfect for the song. (A great 80s-90s ballad sound!)

It's all been said, but I'll end up saying a lot of it again because I just can't NOT say it! Great mix, AWESOME guitar playing, I enjoyed multiple recurring grooves throughout, especially the very background one that adds a little Henley to the D string....

And you really have built brand recognition into your songs... as Bud said, in a pile of unlabeled songs, any of us could recognize this as yours.

Dynamics were just....soooo.... good! All tied together with the exact magical amount of mystery ingredient...

I'd love to hear this one played live. Please send tickets. ;-)
Pat, your reviews are always so interesting to read. Thanks for all the nice comments. It's very cool that you picked up a Henley vibe. I was thinking of Mike Campbell when I added the the fills and lead. I was going for that spacey reverb drenched sound that he got on Boys of Summer. As you probably know he wrote the backing track and took it to Henley after Tom Petty passed on it. Again thanks, Tom