Originally Posted By: Scottt709
Wowser. Loved this one. Excellent vocal and lryic. Absolutely loved the back track and guitar work

Thanks, Scott...

Originally Posted By: gibson
My all-time favorite writers' night was Thurday nights at Douglas Corner Cafe.
They had a chart band ("The First Take Band"). Studio guys. Nashville Number charts.
If you were good at writing charts, you could get (hear) exactly what you wanted from the band.
The Nashville Number system is fairly simple to learn - and provides for all the band dynamics in very simple notation. It's quite cool...
Sort of like BIAB, but with live players, first take...

Wish we in Wales had a scene like that especially when it produces songs like this.

What can I say about this song? hmm it's all right like grin
It's just floyd being floyd, top notch every time.

A good few listens were needed
Thanks for sharing


Alyn - So good to see you back around... hope that means there a Gibson song in our future!

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
We listened and I got Janice to hand me a title on a napkin...but the next morning I didn't write a great song. What's wrong?

"saturday nights it's social studies
your history comes back to haunt you
you think you've got some chemistry going with the waitress
statistics say she won't want you
do a little math, figure up your tab
the wheels of knowledge just keep turning
hanging out here in the hallowed halls
of the honky tonk of higher learning"

Sheeesh man, many good writers could spend days just coming up with the above.

This thing rocks -- in the honky tonk way of course. Immediate images of a damn good band on stage with the crowd dancing and shouting to the rafters. Makes we wanna pour another one just typing this.

Super talent + BiaB = one heckuva production.

The vocals and the piano put it way over the top!


HAHAHA.... thanks for all those nice words...