Hi all,

My basement houses my studio - full of many components. Generally, I only hook up a few at a time.

But recently I've wanted to have friends over and power up most of it at the same time - including things like:
1.) computer 2.) mixer (presonus firepod) 3.) 4 effects box processors 5.) electric drums and amp 6.) powered Monitors 7.) about 4 amps in all.

My 20 amp circuit breaker goes to about 5 different outlets, and unfortunately - there is no easy way to run addtional lines in the basement (unless I change the electrical boxes). One powers a refrigerator all the time (unles I choose to temporarily unplug it during a jam - easy enough)

Anyone have some rules of thumb or procedures for safely avoiding fire hazards, damage to equipment, and frequent circuit breaker trips ? (besides move into a new house that is already wired for a studio : )

Also - should 20 amps be enough for all that and I can simply use trial and error from the circuit breaker (shutting off) without introducing safety issues or jeopardizing my equipment ?

As always, thanks in advance.

Last edited by Joe V; 08/05/16 02:56 AM.