
Welcome. This is some cool stuff and a great bunch of folks here.

As you dig in, and run into issues, just ask the question in the forum that best suits the subject matter. There is a general BAND IN A BOX forum and a general REAL BAND forum as well as several specialized topic forums. You're more likely to get a timely answer in the correct forum as more folks will see it.

Feel free to ask any question you need an answer for.

It really helps if you have a DAW and use it in the process. DAW = digital audio workstation. Or... in other words, a recording studio in the computer. Many here use BB to sketch out the rough structure of the song, we use Real Band to render the audio tracks, and then we put it all together and edit in the DAW. (Real Band is a DAW also)

Poke around in the showcase and also look at some of the user's signatures since we post links to our music in the signatures.

Have a listen. Get to know the people here. Many of us mix live playing in with the real tracks for some really top quality results.

Most of all, have fun with this technology. I love this stuff. My band is always ready to go, they play professionally, work cheap, don't show up drunk, voice no complaints about the songs, no one shows up late to the gig, and the drummer doesn't try to hit on my wife. How does it get any better than that?

Once you get some original music recorded, be sure to share it in the User Showcase.

Again... Welcome to the asylum.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.