A draft mix... edits still needed - less cello & maybe add some strings? but wanted to post in case I don't get back to it. I've been seeing some great Christmas music here in PG land already & wanted to jump in !


copyright (c) 2016 Curt Young

Long ago, and far away
A King was born on Christmas Day
A Gift sent from Heaven to Earth
Still He lay with Virgin mild
A mother and her Holy Child
While angels rejoiced at His Birth

(Chorus) The Wonder of Christmas is Jesus
He is the reason we sing
Wise men still bow down before Him
To worship the Heavenly King

Shepherds wached while angels sang
All the bells of Heaven rang
To welcome the Child in the hay
Wise men travelled from afar
Following the Shining Star
That stood oe’r the place Jesus lay


Tracks used: 2557:Cello, Background SlowWaltz Sw 085

My eldest son played the piano part - and my daughter-in-law was kind enough to work up a scratch vocal for me.

Suggestions are welcome! Merry Christmas!

Last edited by Curt Young; 12/03/16 05:46 AM.