Originally Posted By: lambada
Hi Guitarhacker. Can some of these DAWs manage your mixes in real time? That would be neat for live shows.


However, for a live show I always recommend mixing the tracks to waves and use some sort of wave player. The less stuff you have in the loop for a live gig, the less chance you have that one of those links will quit in the middle of the show.

If I was doing a live show, I'd have 2 laptops booted up and ready to go. I'd use one for the music and the other would be a backup in the event of a crash. Both would have the same music and the same player.

Using a DAW in a show doesn't give you any advantage. What are you going to do? Adjust levels in the middle of the song you're playing? Nope.... mix the songs, polish them up with Ozone, and put them into a play list and do the show. The fewer things you have to worry about in a show the more you can concentrate on the job at hand, which is entertaining the paying customers.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.