Right on.

I snickered at the thought until I realized 90% of "successful" songs have cowriters. I've tried to write with others a few times, but never found someone that fits. Different ears and goals and stuff.

And, yes, David, that is an interesting tendency, to bristle at suggestions. I know I do. Unless I'm not too vested in the song yet. I KNOW there's a problem, or I cringe on a certain line, where I'm just validating that they hear a problem also. It happened recently; I asked a good writer friend for an opinion, thoughts were given; I was irritated as heck; and he was right (I realized a week later).

Yes, listening to new BIAB demos....man, my head swims with song ideas when I do that...


BIAB 2017 Ultra
Windows 8 and 10
Scarlet 18i8
Reaper and Mixpad