Depends on how you write Herb. I write lyrics first. Always. The songs start as text files on my laptop. When they are done enough for music, I move them to the "shared" folder on my network. Then I go up to the studio and open the shared folder from my studio computer and there are my lyrics. Those files stay on that file server computer that lives only for that purpose, to be the shared drive computer. Spreadsheets, pictures, lyric files, correspondence.... they all have a folder on the shared drive. That drive gets backed up often.

But that's just what I do. I can't even envision sitting down with the music side of ti without lyrics in place to guide me into tempo, length of phrases, what kind of cadence the rhythm should play to match the lyrics (that buzz word "prosody" again).... I just can't write lyrics to fit music. I have to write music to fit lyrics.

Or like the old producer said, "You write the words or lyrics first?"

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.