Wow! I was surprised at the number of comments to this question coming back from the weekend :-)

I guess to clarify I was just looking to see what people are using for their songwriting as far as lyric apps and programs.

I know there are quite a few out there but I'm not going to pretend I know what they all are. By Nature I always try to look for a better way. I find the shortcut to that is asking people who are doing what you do what they do :-)!

So I got a lot of great information and some things to try here!

As simple as it sounds I never considered a hybrid of Doing lyrics on a computer then also printing them out to be saved and folders!

There were a few other great ideas I got as well.

I thought I saw years ago a program that gave you the number of syllables per line but I don't remember what it would have been. I ended up not downloading it at the time because I didn't know the source it was coming from and I'm always paranoid of things like that.

So I hope that clarifies what I was looking to do. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the input and continue to throw ideas out as I will continue reading and learning from this.

Thanks again you guys and gals are the best!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.