Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Tom.

Bluegrass was not at all what I was expecting after reading the lyrics, but I have to say that the whole production works SO well.

It's a classic country sound and somehow the tragedy bound up in the words isn't in any way diminished by the up-tempo backing.

Beautifully conceived and executed.

Thoughts are with all those who are personally involved.

Rog, Glad you liked it and glad you mentioned the tempo. Sad songs are sometimes too sad when played slow. Also there is feeling of hope in the last verse so a medium tempo seemed appropriate. Happy Holidays, Tom
Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Originally Posted By: gibson
What an awful story but this is a great tribute, from the heart.
Great choice of instruments, great mix and your voice is perfect!

You did good on this song, Tom, real good. The bar you have set is still WA-AY above me frown laugh

Hope you have a good Christmas


I have to agree with Alyn, except the part that any bar is above him, although yours is very high! Really good stuff Tom!! Take care. Greg
Greg, Thanks for commenting. This thing about the bar kinda doesn't work at all because thankfully we are all so different. Have a Merry Christmas. Tom
Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss
Tom, great job about a tough subject! What a sad thing to see happen to such a beautiful place ( been there many times myself), but even more tragic is the lost lives and affected families. You had a great choice of instruments that all worked well together! The lyric and vocal - excellent! Thanks, Torrey
Torrey, Thanks for the kind remarks. I appreciate it. Tom