Hi Zilch,

I may have the wrong end of the stick, but "8.3 Char filenames"?? Open Options > Preferences > and check "Custom File Name dialogue" to obtain full Windows File Naming options. I think that this should be made the default setting. Again, the first Install Panel for the 2009/5 programs gives you the option to Browse to where you want to install BB and RealBand. A later Panel gives you the options to install RealDrums/RealTracks and to select different locations as appropriate.

The Graphic Displays are critised on a regular basis, but a great deal of function can be started from the Main Window. To reduce the perceived clutter would require a number of different access levels to functions which would tend to make the program less usuable in certain circumstances. Why don't you try your hand at rationalising the Window layouts and contact PG Music with your ideas as they understand the full program context?
