I just purchased Band-In-A-Box 2017. BIAB runs just fine, but when I attempt to launch RealBand, it freezes while "Counting Candidate Plugins." My system is Windows 10 64-bit Home (upgraded from Windows 7), 8.00 GB RAM, i5 Intel CPU.

I found this old forum discussion from 2012 where someone was having a similar problem with BIAB at that time. I've already tried everything suggested there.

PluginScanLog.log reads as follows:
"Plugin Scan Log

Calling Windows FFilterMapper2.EnumMatchingFilters...
... Windows FFilterMapper2.EnumMatchingFilters succeeded

Counting candidate plugins in the Enum...
Plugin Enum Max was set by C:\RealBand\MaxPluginsToScan.txt"

I went to C:\RealBand\MaxPluginsToScan.txt and changed it from "Max=0" to "Max=100"
When that didn't work, I changed it to "Max=1000000"

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I didn't figure that would help as this is a first time install.

I've tried running it as administrator.

I tried installing on another computer at my office where I work, also a Windows 10 computer, but bought brand new with Windows 10. RealBand works just fine there.

Last edited by DBM; 01/03/17 02:45 PM.