Thanks for the perspective Eddie. I am probably one of the instant gratification types that you cant stand. If I cant do it fast then I am not interested. I once joined up with a guy to play a duo. We practiced for a whole year and never even had an inkling of a gig. He used to stop me in the same place in one song and say "it doesn't go la la la laaaa, it goes la la laaaaaaaa". Every time a coconut. I mean who actually cares, right? I certainly don't. I prefer to just move on.

Aspiring to get people to gasp with admiration at your brilliance is an unattainable (an probably unsatisfying) goal for anybody. Whatever your age. There will always be those that are better than you and some people will always think you are rubbish and some people will think you are good. Music is such a personal thing.

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
Play-along with songs you know and love, download SGU files