Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
<...snip...> Why musicians continue making their music available to the people who screw them is a mystery to me.

We make music because we have to. It's that simple.

Why we let people exploit us is the mystery to me.
  • Open mic nights - the owner/management gets paid, the bartenders get paid, the wait staff gets paid, the janitors get paid and the musician works for free, plus he/she even brings friends and family in to make more money for the people who are getting paid
  • Playing anywhere for 'exposure' - same as above
  • Bad deals with record companies and streaming companies - similar to above

If you want to play for free, there is nothing wrong with that. Find a charity you like, play in a public park, a neighbor's house, a party, or any other non-commercial place you want. But if it's a business and the management and staff are getting paid, don't play for free, you are only being exploited. In addition you are harming the ability of both yourself and other musicians to make a living by playing music.

Insights, incites and a minor rant by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks