Today I recorded my Yamaha using Aria, a free midi recording program, with no stuck notes. Also, I again recorded with Pianoteq and PowerTracks Pro, doing something like a stress test – playing as many notes as I can with all ten fingers, as fast as I can; again, no stuck notes.

I also turned off styles on BIAB (can’t for the life of me remember how I did that), and recorded without accompaniment, thinking this reduces the CPU load. Stuck notes as usual.

I also monitored the CPU load while recording and playing back, and did not see any spikes or anomalies associated with stuck notes.

I got my ancient Casio LK220 keyboard out of storage - hasn’t seen the light of day in many years. Connected it to my computer via USB, and recorded with BIAB. No problems.

So it seems the problem is unique to the combination of this Yamaha piano and the BIAB software. I was wondering if there are some midi messages unique to the Yamaha that only the BIAB software responds to. Looking at the midi monitor window, I saw some pitch bend messages. On the piano, I disabled pitch bend messages, and on BIAB I set it to ignore pitch bend messages, and tested. Still had stuck notes.

At that point, I decided to bite the bullet and reinstall BIAB, thinking maybe the file was corrupted. Just to be sure, I reinstalled it twice, with a restart in between. Still had stuck notes.

I reset the priority of the process, per suggestion from Mike (thanks, I have done that years ago for some other problem, but I had forgotten about it). Still had stuck notes.

I have also tried many other things to clean up my computer, reduce loading, isolate the computer from the internet, isolate the cables, minimize loading, etc, with no luck.

I am now in the process of building a steel room, shielded with copper, and connected with thick cables to a ground rod sunk into my back yard, with all this supported by heavy duty steel springs and shock absorbers, to better isolate BIAB from the outside world, and eliminate uncontrollable variables. (Just kidding.)

Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful suggestions. I really appreciate the help.
