
For what it's worth, this is my view on using BIAB for arranging songs...

Because BIAB is software for creating backing, it's actually better to treat the song as one long work rather than try to think of the backing as sheet music.

When listening to recordings, the arrangement of a song develops as the song progresses. Usually, there's not just one sound for the verse and one sound for the chorus. Creating a backing in one long format allows one to consider the arrangement aspect. With copy and paste, it's actually very quick to create a song without repeats.

The above being said... If you want to use repeats, the below link will take you to some videos that PG Music have prepared to help understand BIAB. There's one called "Repeats and fake sheet mode" in the INTERMEDIATE section. This is worth looking through.


(The above is for the Windows version of BIAB.)

The link below will take you to a thread about repeats. About half way through, I go into much detail, including images, on how use repeats in BIAB. This might be useful.



P.S. Gordon, thanks for creating a thread on Repeats. It's a topic that comes up every now and then and others will find it useful.

Audiophile BIAB 2024