Well I know a few years ago I could hear above 16kHz, when I had an extensive hearing test done (it was a job app requirement; I passed this but failed the color test! 84 hues?? from pink to purple you want me to put them in order .. my wife witnessed it and said she'd have probably failed too, but apparently I was way off).
Anyway, I had a small dip just below 15kHz and a larger one at around 5 kHz. I think years of being around saws caused the latter.

I notice this range most on certain instruments. Ride cymbal is the most obvious, but the whole mix can lose 'shine' so that's what made me think of this as a possible cause for the 'dull' sound mentioned in the OP.

If other mp3's on his system sound fine to him, then it is probably a codec issue.. common in PGProducts.

Last edited by rharv; 02/03/17 02:42 PM.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome