Paul - I have another method, that I use with great success, and seems to work regardless of DAW. Follow my train of thought, here... it looks complicated, but it's really very easy. All Common Sense.:

1. Working in BB, I arrange my song.
2. Make a note of the tempo.
3. In all my DAW's (Sonar and Ableton at the moment) I have built a "BB Template", that is basically just a blank song, with all my most-commonly-used effects and track layouts - but no audio data as yet. Open that.
4. In the DAW, I set the tempo of the Template, and then save it with the filename of my new song.
5. Back in BB, I render the song ("Save all tracks as .WAV file (with options)", saving each track from the BB song into a folder.
6. When that's done, I return to the DAW. Most every DAW I've ever seen has an option where you can set a "Snap" time division. Set that to 1 Bar.
6a. Open the song folder, and select all 7 rendered track files (you might have fewer files, remember, if not all BB instruments are being used!). Drag them en-mass into the DAW, pushing them toward Bar 0.
7. Because the Snap feature is turned on, if you drag them between Bar 0 and 1 in the timeline, they snap to zero.
8. Then, just crop out the clix! smile

Trust me, it takes about six times less to "do" this, versus "reading how to do this"!!

If I need to nudge and tweeze the tracks afterwards, or groove-quantize them, it's much easier to do in the DAW!

Hope this helps, man. Rock on!

Last edited by Teejay; 02/07/17 04:52 PM.

We get 168 hours a week to be alive, for as many weeks as God lets us live. What shall you do with yours?