Originally Posted By: GordonS
In my preferred song form I'd like to have an
- intro,
- chorus x 2 (done via repeats)
- bridge
- 2 more choruses (via repeat)
- tag.

Am i trying to do something BiaB is not built for (I know I can do it via a very long one chorus song, trying to make it better).

Thanks in advance

Gordon, ALWAYS, always unfold the song into one big chorus, as PG calls it. Put it into linear form rather than trying to get the musical road map signs to do the work. It's so much easier to work on the long form.

You simply copy and paste the chorus or verses where you need them. Your song has no verses? Or do you intend to mean the choruses are actually verses..... I assume the "choruses" in your song actually have different lyrics, if so that probably makes them verses and the bridge is a chorus. Tags are most often the repeat of the second half of a chorus. But.. that's not the point of this post.

By using the unfolded long linear form, you can easily get to where you need to be.


I use this method in every song I do. First thing I do is to unfold the form. I started out trying to learn how to make BB do what I wanted by using the repeats and codas and other musical signposts..... but that was too much of a pain....and worse, you didn't know where you were in the song if you get distracted. Is this the 2nd verse or the third verse kinda thing. Long form, you know instantly by looking. In addition, starting somewhere other than the beginning is so much easier in the long form..... just click where you want to start and press START.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.