Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
I just heard this song for the first time thanks to the "featured" feature (strange to say) on the forums. What a cool way to hear things I hadn't before!

Anyway, I really like the work you did! Personally, it sounds like a Sweet (band) song to me. Am not sure if you are familiar with them or influenced by them?

Those are some really nice hooks, both vocal and instrumental. I am such a sucker for stacked vocals like that.


Hey, that's very kind - I thought this one had run it's course by now. The Soundcloud radio is great for pulling out things that you might otherwise have missed. Yes, I know "Sweet" but I must admit they weren't a band I had in mind when I wrote this one. Always happy for a comparison, though. Glad you liked the stacked vocals. It takes a lot of time, but I do like doing them.
Cheers, ROG.