Planobilly, I do understand what you are saying. I'm not talking about being overly sensitive and PC. I'm talking about what our responsibility as writers is to know what words current meaning is.

An over-used example would be someone writing a song today with lyrics like "I'm gay! I'm gay! I'm as gay as a man can be!" and thinking the term "gay" to mean happy. Yes, it can mean that. There is also another meaning of it today. Not there's anything wrong with that. (jford...I LOVE Seinfeld!)

I'm not the lyric police by a LONG shot. Just curious people's thoughts on if we should be aware of things like that?

Herb's example was fantastic. In THAT case, they REALLY should have known FIRST!

Here, I get, probably not as urgent wink

I'm not just playing hypothetical. I've witnessed a few things here that made me wonder "is THAT what they really meant? Nah...really?"

Life is good. This isn't a huge deal by any means. Just a conversation I thought fun to have smile

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.