Originally Posted By: floyd jane

That question has a lot of different answers, I think. There seems to be a rush-to-judgment by many (in Off-Topic and Windows BIAB threads) that "BIAB cannot do 'Modern Country'". I do not agree with that assessment. You simply have to use your imagination (I know you have plenty of that!). You have to be able to pick out the elements that make up the modern sound and figure out which RTs to put together to build that (I believe you are better equipped than any of the rest of us to determine that list of pieces). The sync acoustic works well. The banjos work. The new atmospheric steels are a no-brainer. A held electric. An arp electric with some wild delay. A busy, steady bass.

I know you know this, but BIAB is ABSOLUTELY capable of doing "modern country." You hit the nail on the head with "how to" for orchestration. I plugged in my upgrade drive tonight and gave it a listen. There is So MUCH great stuff to work with! So much!

And, of course, there is the question of...do people write in a style that works for that sound? And that is a huge part. You cannot write in the style of your Country and Rock heroes of the 70's and put it to a Modern Country musical bed and expect it to work. So for the large majority of writers in these-here-parts (this forum), it would require adding a writing skill that they currently lack. But that is an entirely different subject (I know you have that skill in spades!)

I think people fall into a rut of "knowing everything" already. Once we fall into generalizations without really seeing the differences we are stuck.

I love how you have kept your perspective and apply it so well. There isa reason you write at the level you do. Observation.

So... basically... I think the answer to your question is:

They are there if you know what to look for.

Agreed! Now, if I could just get my drums to play "modern country." Any suggestions? wink

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.