The European version (Windows 7E) doesn't have the Internet Explorer browser, because of the law suit a few years ago between M$ and European courts. So to comply with the ruling, they have decoupled IE from the O/S (which of course means they can do it).

I didn't have any problems with Vista, per se, once the service packs came out, but the original version was a pain. And it really wasn't geared toward music production. It became better once the sound card vendors provided better drivers for Vista compatibility.

I'm not unhappy with my Vista now; I just don't think it's fair that the trade-in value on my Cadillac Vista will be the same as someone else's trade-in value for their Yugo Vista.

It gives me pause as to whether I'll upgrade now or wait.

As far as IE, I'm pretty sure you can download it and install it separately. It's just not included out of the box for European versions.

As far as doing clean installs, I would do it anyway. That will start out with a clean registry and make sure no extraneous stuff is potentially interfering with Windows 7.


Laptop-HP Omen I7 Win11Pro 32GB 2x2TB, 1x4TB SSD
Desktop-ASUS-I7 Win10Pro 32GB 2x1.5TB, 2x2TB, 1x4TB SATA

BB2024/UMC404HD/Casios/Cakewalk/Reaper/Studio One/MixBus/Notion/Finale/Dorico/Noteworthy/NI/Halion/IK