This is the first and very likely the last time I write a song about a punctuation mark! I appreciate any and all comments. Tom

RealTracks in style: 691:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 2541:Pedal Steel, Background ModernPopCountry Ev 110
RealTracks in song: ~2494:Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 120
Royalty Free Loops, Multitrack Instrument and Song Files and Multitrack Drums from Drums on Demand

Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Tom Adams

We used to spend our nights
Beneath an autumn sky
looking at the stars
And simply wondering why

There’s nothing quite as cold
as a graveyard late at night
We’d dream about a world where no-one ever dies

It’s the dash that counts that’s the only thing that’s real

make the most of what little time you’re here

I don't care when you were born or what year you will die
What matters most is in between those years

Every other year
We’d pledge to meet again
a bottle of cheap red wine
Go back to where we’d been

Take a midnight walk
just like we used to do
A cemetery talk
Reminds us we’re not through

It’s the dash that counts that’s the only thing that’s real

make the most of what little time you’re here

I don't care when you were born or what year you will die

What matters most is in between those years

Written on your tombstone between the years there is a line

That's the place your lifetime is defined

It’s the dash that counts that’s the only thing that’s real

make the most of what little time you’re here

©2017 Thomas Adams