Hey Ya'll,

Before I forget, just wanted to say how Janice lit up our ears with her falsetto late in the song. Smokin'!

What a treat for the ears. This is just so danged good. Everything gels perfectly. There really are no words to say what a wonderful song this is. Please know ... we think this is one of the best productions we've heard on our two or so years here!

I (Alan) grew up in St. Louis and we always called the Mississippi River "The Big Muddy". If you've ever seen it, you'd know why!

Di and I are in the process of recording a Country Gospel song and the primary instrument is pedal steel. We're probably a few days away from finishing it.

Anyway ... this is fantastic!

Alan & Di

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Loops: https://aldavidmusic.wixsite.com/bestmusicloops