I posted the original demo of this some months back. It was my 1st use of BIAB and, as is usual for me, I only used the drums. I made the drums a little over complicated because i was so excited to have such a cool tool. I was going to redo them but they drums patterns & structure grew on me and, to be honest, were energetic enough to push the song along. I can't recall nor can I find a pointer to, the name of the realdrums used. Sorry.
I've rerecorded all the guitars and bass as well as adding a Mellotron part in the choruses. Now THAT would be a cool real track. REALTron!!!
Enough blather. Here's the finished song - been around the block a few times and singer, Trudy Newell, did 3 bvox as well. I think she did a sterling job. Be warned - turn down you headphones a bit as the track has been mastered quite loud though not in Loudness Wars terms.
Heart Shaped Bruise by Pygmy Beat Extended Featuring Trudy Newell with solo by Gerry Steele.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe