Just a quickie reminder
When working in BIAB
What you hear from your keyboard is the voice chosen for the thru channel in the mixer,
If you make a recording this gets sent to the Melody channel as note data
What you hear on playback is whatever voice you have assigned to the melody channel.
If you want it to sound as the thru voice you must select the same voice for melody playback

The same is true if you work on the soloist channel,
So if you want your live thru voice to sound as you will hear it on playback make sure that you use the same MIDI voice in the mixer for the relative tracks.
Hope this helps a bit
Best regards

Last edited by Mike Head; 05/03/17 12:31 PM.

BIAB2021 UltraPlus,AsusN55S1Tbssd, W10/64,Akai EIEpro
Yamaha CVP405,SquireStrat, CoolsoftVMidSynth
Novatation Impulse61 Ctr kbd, Cwalk blab Kontakt
