Originally Posted By: sslechta
I kind of like hearing songs that have 'dated' lyrics in them. It brings you back to that period of time a little bit, good for reminiscing.

Example I'm thinking of at the moment is Aerosmith with "Love in an Elevator" from the 80s.

"She said 'I'll show you how to fax
In the mail room, honey'."

I do too. That's not at all what I'm talking about. To me, I love the feeling you can get from a song that brings you back to a time or place. There are even songs that I haven't heard, or weren't even alive for that can do that for me. I heard a song from the 50's or 60's and feel like, "man, that sounds like such a great time" and picture being there.

What I am talking about is using dated terms in a song that is written today and NOT being ironic or trying to sound like you were from a specific time.

As an example, I saw briefly a song in the showcase that looks like it is paying tribute to the Beach Boys. I haven't listened to it yet, but wouldn't be surprised if it used terminology/lyrics from that area. That would make perfect sense to me...to the point of I would be surprised if it DIDN'T have those elements.

I'm talking about something along these lines...

"back in the day" a "Hot wife" would mean a married woman who was above warm.

At some point "hot" meant "attractive." So, if someone said "She's a hot wife" it meant so was an attractive, married woman.

To a large number of people, today "Hot Wife" is a married woman who is allowed to have relationships with other men!

So...if you are writing a song today, unaware of the current meaning of the word, writing a song about your "Hot wife" may get some unexpected reactions.

Posting it on these forums would just be odd then.

I've seen pretty close to this type of situation happen on here several times. I don't believe it was the writer's intent on most of them. I'm going to emphasize again, "most" of them.

I hope that clarifies it without specifically calling the songs out. Sometimes I think we just need to be a bit more aware of this kind of thing. Just my opinion.

Now I'm going to have a listen to "Love in an Elevator." I have always loved the drumming in that song. The toms...on my, the tom sound! I love that!

Last edited by HearToLearn; 05/08/17 01:30 AM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.