I'm using Realband 2017 ver 7

The guitar track is a mono audio I recorded. I also tried a stereo real track and that acted the same. I've also tried two different .SEQ files

I have many entries in the event list for this track and don't know how to clear them out. (Edit: Deleted 1 at a time and got those cleared out.)

Tried Gain Node again with -64 db for 1st 30 seconds of song and -9 db after 30 seconds. Now I only see 3 entries in the event list for that track talking about controller 102 going from level 0 to level 55 at measure 20.

MIDI output driver is Microsoft MIDI mapper

Audio drivers are MME

I'm not sure what you mean by 'CC' changes looking right. I don't know what CC stands for.

I must be missing something obvious if it works for others. I've recorded a lot of songs with Realband but haven't used the Gain Node lines before.

Last edited by Del; 05/16/17 05:04 PM.
